An aerial view of Stanley, capital of the Falkland Islands, and its harbour. Just above centre are “The Narrows”, leading to the outer harbour, Port William (top left). The Government House complex is near bottom centre, with a long diagonal driveway; above and to the right of that is the Stanley Community School complex. The buildings with the blue roof are the hospital. Stanley was founded in 1845 and is the oldest town in the world so far south.
Photo: Copyright Norman Clark Photography, Stanley
Since the 1960s Falkland Islanders have faced concerted efforts by Argentina to promote its claim to the Falkland Islands – efforts which culminated in the Argentine invasion in 1982. The Argentine claim is based on serious historical falsehoods and crucial omissions, which are exposed and corrected on this website. From time to time new articles and books will be announced on this site.
Newly Published

The Falklands Saga is a groundbreaking study, the result of over 20 years of research in archives and libraries in Buenos Aires, La Plata, Montevideo, London, Cambridge, Stanley, Paris, Munich and Washington DC. It is intended as a fundamental resource for all researchers into the history and legal status of the Falkland Islands.
The history of the Falklands is recounted in unprecedented detail in four 730-page A4 volumes, with maps, many illustrations in colour and black & white, tables of population and shipping, and a compendium of hundreds of historical and legal documents, in English and also (where different) in their original languages, Spanish, French, German, Latin or Dutch. Many are printed in full in the running text or in the appendices to each volume, some for the first time ever, many for the first time in English. There is a full apparatus criticus: each volume contains over 2,500 footnotes, a glossary, an appendix and an extensive bibliography.
Each volume will appear in a limited hardcover Library Edition of 75 copies, a softcover Standard Edition (print-on-demand) available from retail and online book shops, and a Kindle e-book, which is available on Amazon.
For more information and to purchase the Library Edition, please click here.
Falklands Facts and Fallacies by Graham Pascoe – Second Edition Now Available
The Falkland Islands in History and International Law:
A refutation of Marcelo Kohen and Facundo Rodríguez,
Las Malvinas entre el Derecho y la Historia
Please click here for a review by historian David Tatham
Please click here to see the conclusion of the book
The second edition of Falklands Facts and Fallacies is now available from book shops worldwide and through online retailers. Recommended retail price is £29.99, or its equivalent in local currency. There is also a Kindle e-book version for £9.99 available on Amazon.
Other publications
History Paper
David Jewett’s visit to the Falklands, 1820-21: no valid “possession-taking”
Click here to read abstract and full paper
A rebuttal of Marcelo Kohen’s and Facundo Rodriguez’s article “Malvinas: 200 Years After”
Click here to read