The Falkland Islands are a self-contained territory which is geographically separate from Argentina and has been entirely distinct from Argentina in history, development, population and language for over 180 years. The islands are ruled democratically by the Falkland Islanders themselves, who have now (2020) lived there for nine generations. The Falklands are their country, over which they are the holders of territorial sovereignty with the full right of external self-determination in international law. At the wish of their inhabitants, the Falklands remain at present in partnership with Britain – that is the status they have freely chosen, fulfilling United Nations Resolution 2625.
Argentina has no title whatsoever to the Falklands. Its claim was partial, encumbered and restricted from the outset, and it was dropped by treaty over a century and a half ago. After ratifying that treaty in 1850, Argentina repeatedly demonstrated overt acquiescence in British sovereignty.
The Falkland Islands are not part of the territory of Argentina.